Who is the most underrated predator in the animal kingdom?

There is one. A creature that lives near water belongs to the insect order Odonata, has been around for over 3 million years and the only thing that has changed is its size
The Dragonfly.

The Dragonfly has an almost unparalleled Flight system, a holster of adaptations including:

🔹Direct Flight Muscles are attached to the base of the wings which allows it to control each wing separately, effectively able to perform flight techniques like Phased stroking, a Dragon-fly can fly in all 6 Directions including backward! its no wonder they are called acrobats of the Sky.

🔹A Pterostigma provides counter-balance during flight and prevents wing fluttering, while also giving it a boost in Top-flight speeds

🔹3-dimensional Patterns and veins on wings that provide wing Stability during flight.

🔹Near 360-degree vision is made possible by the presence of about 30000+ light receptors as its eyes cover most of its head

🔹It's the most impressive system though is its Mind, integrating its visual and Motor system, helps put all this power into action. Hunting!

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